Prevent the transfer of sensitive email content and attachments to any iOS or Android supported device.
In a world where BYOD strategies are becoming more and more relevant, Preemptive’s DLP for Traveler provides an integrated solution for organisations to ensure valuable email data and attachments are not exposed to remote devices that cannot be secured by the organisation.
DLP for Traveler inspects email destined for the mobile device for keywords and sensitivity markings in the subject line, and tells Traveler to block the content as appropriate.
Key Benefits
Incredibly easy to install.
Ensures sensitive content is not replicated to mobile devices.
Can be used to comply with Government information security requirements.
Ensure recipients are aware email has arrived, and forces them to view it with a more secure client.
Enforce policy without client-based licensing.
Significantly reduce compliance costs.
A perfect companion to our Protective Markings solutions for Domino
No action required by the end user